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Shoes that create an Am[azin]g [e]nchanment_edited.jpg

It all happeneded in the 60's, when Alice and Manuel, just married, started their own footwear factory in Oliveira de Azeméis, a small city in the north of Portugal. With an excelent savoir-faire, they hancrafted the shoes with leather in traditional methods and soon, all their five children learned this talent as well.


The family was producing as a wholesaler and as time went by, only Alice and one of her sons got to work at the factory.


In 2020, Catarina, one of Alice's granddaughters, who was studying business, saw their potential and created a new brand to share with the world her family’s passion.


Now, with three generations united in the line, their mission is to create an amazing enchantment with these shoes for you.


Catarina Norte







Family business established in 1967 in the north region of Portugal, handcrafting every pair of shoes with soul and heritage knowledge.

Suede camurça Texanas boots botas premium leather pele footwear calçado portugal handmade mão handcrafted stylish style estilo retro
Suede camurça Texanas boots botas premium leather pele footwear calçado portugal handmade mão handcrafted stylish style estilo retro
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